Dendrobaena hauseri Zicsi, 1973


External characters.  length 80-120 mm, diameter 4-5 mm, no. segments  98-120. Colour dark red-violet. Prostomium tanylobic. First dorsal pore in intersegmental furrow 5/6. Setae distant. Female pores on segment xiv somewhat above setae  b. Male pores on  segment xv  surrounded by an extremely great glandular crescent.  Clitellum on segment  xxi-xxxiii, saddle-shaped. Tubercles lacking. Genital papillae surrounds setae ab in xiv-xvi, xxxi-xxxiii


Internal characters. Septa 6/7-9/10, 12/13-13/14 strongly muscular, 10/11-11/12 slightly thickened. Testes and funnels paired in segments x-xi, free. Seminal vesicles in ix, xi, xii.  spermathecae lacking.  Paired lateral hearts in segments vi-xi and a pair of small extraoesophageals in segment xii. Nephridial bladders tube-shaped. Crop in xv-xvi, gizzard in xvii-xviii.  Longitudinal muscle layer is of pinnate type.


Distribution Israel, Turkey